1967 Bultaco MK II Pursang. Rewarding myself after suffering a blistering divorce, I was able to buy this crazy-exciting Bultaco. These bikes had quite a reputation and this one lived up to the billing. It had enormous power for its weight and size. Unfortunately that power was only available at the very small top end of the RPM range. Here's what it sounded like when you gave it the beans... BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ! Another unfortunate aspect of it was... it would only start once in a while. It was no fun to get all dressed up and kick the starter until you were a sweaty mess and finally give up and push it back in the shed. (But when it would go, it would GO! : -)
Here's another reward from that divorce. The little blonde became my sole responsibility and I'm proud to say she turned out just great.